Daily Archives: November 16, 2008

Criterion C: Planning Stage

We have precisely nine classes to complete and perfect our project with some after school time as well if needed.

The first things to do when starting this project is to:

– Choose any topic you like that you think would be interesting to work on.  You do not know what approach you are using to present this topic yet. Once you have thoroughly researched and evaluated the best approach then you can properly choose which once will enhance your topic the most.

– research the topic and brainstorm for ideas of what you could possibly do with this topic. What would be the best way to demonstrate my project to the world.

– take pictures in and around the community that represent what your tipic is about. For example, mine is Global Warming. So i would take pictures of say, oil refineries pollutiing the air and car exhaust.

– learn how to use Photoshop and InDesign and then apply it to our project.

Class 1 ( November 11th, 2008 )

 Class 1 will be reserved for brainstorming and planning. We’re going to put our two heads together and plan out exactly what our project will look like, and what is the message that we want people to understand from it.

Class 2 ( November 18th, 2008 )

We should at least have the pictures by this class. At home, we load them on a 2GB USB stick so it will be easy to transfer to school. Once at school, we’re going to look through them all and pick and choose the ones that would make our project absolutely brilliant.

Class 3 ( November 26th, 2008 )

Class 3 we’re hopefully not going to be behind schedule and start sketching and planning what our articles are going to look like and what we’re going to write about. We’re thinking 4-5 articles and 2 pictures per article. Also, on this day we should have all our pictures chosen and ready to work with photoshop.

Class 4 ( December 1st, 2008 )

We should have most of our articles written and in the proofreading stages right now. If one or two aren’t, it wouldnt be the end of the world as we still have quite some time to do them, and make them perfect!

Class 5 ( December 3rd, 2008 )

Transfer our pictures to photoshop where we will enhance the quality and make it look professional!  I don’t think we could possibly finish all our pictures for today because there are quite a few but for next class they should all be done.

Class 6 ( December 5th, 2008 )

Our articles should be ready to work with. Today after finishing with our photoshopped pictures, we will sit down and discuss which pictures will go where so it will be easier when we have to put it in the layout. Also, we have to discuss which pictures will be put on the cover pages and how we will want to display the pictures so that they look great and eye-catching.

Class 7 ( December 9th, 2008 )

Come up with a title for our magazine. It has to represent everything that the magazine/photo essay includes. It’s not just global warming, it’s that the people around us don’t care, and therefore don’t do there part to make our world better.

Class 8 (  December 12th, 2008 )

Everything should be ready on this day so that we can use InDesign and put our photos and articles into the layout provided.

Class 9 ( December 16th, 2008 )

If there are a few touch ups to be made, today is the day to do so. Our project is due in two days, but by today everything should be over and done with. I can’t wait to see our final creation.

December 18th, 2008 at 3:00PM: The Day Our Project is Due.