Media & The Environment

The clip above is an ideal representation of how the media is our number one source of information. The Inconvenient Truth is a documentary describing how the quality of our planet is diminishing everyday. Sure sometimes the media blows things out of proportion but we believe them. And its actually in our favor because the more they knock it in to our heads, the more we realize that “hey, let’s at least do our part”. As long as each and every one of us think that way, that would be a great start. When you watch that preview, or even if you get the chance to watch the movie, The Inconvenient Truth, you’ll really get some sense knocked into and maybe a little reality check. We can’t keep on living the way were living because if we do, we’re really going to be in troubled waters.

I used the Inconvenient Truth as an example but that is definitely not the only one. Personally, it was the best example of how our environmental crisis is portrayed through different sources of media.

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